Nature Camp 2025 – Two Camps, Endless Summer Fun!

Summer 2025 registration will open January 1st for current and alumni families and February 1st for the public.

Remember those lazy days of summer? Time spent outside, running around with friends; no screens, phones, or organized sports to constantly be taking away from our much needed downtime.

Our Nature Camp is designed for children 7 to 12 years of age who have completed 1st grade. It’s a fully outdoor program, allowing them the opportunity to reconnect with nature, friends, and themselves after a busy year in school.

There will be crafting galore to keep creativity engaged, hands busy, and to add a bit focus and good work to their day. Children are never forced to craft or participate but always encouraged!!

Discover the Magic of a Waldorf Summer Program

Imagine a summer where children can explore, grow, and thrive in an environment designed to nurture their imagination and love of learning. A Waldorf summer program offers a unique blend of unstructured play, hands-on expression, and meaningful outdoor experiences, all rooted in the time-tested principles of Waldorf education.

  • Unplugged Adventures: Free from screens and digital distractions, children reconnect with nature, friends, and their inner curiosity through purposeful, play-based activities.
  • Nurturing Imagination: From woodworking and painting to storytelling and handcrafts, every activity encourages self-expression and fine motor skills in a relaxed, joyful atmosphere.
  • Outdoor Exploration: Guided by experienced educators, kids immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural world, cultivating wonder, curiosity, and a deep respect for the environment.
  • Holistic Development: Waldorf programs balance play and structure, fostering social skills, confidence, and resilience while honoring the rhythms of childhood.
  • Community-Centered: Children thrive in small, nurturing groups where they form lasting friendships and learn to work together, building a sense of belonging and connection.

Give your child the gift of a summer filled with wonder, expression, and connection. A Waldorf summer program is more than just childcare—it’s an enriching experience that will stay with them for a lifetime.

Crafting may include:

  • Woodworking
  • Sewing
  • Nature crafts
  • Beading
  • Jewelry making
  • And more!

Which Camp is the Best Match for My Child?

Children will gather at Spring Park with drop off between 8:00-9:00/30am every day. After everyone has arrived, we’ll gather for a morning circle to greet the day. Then everyone will head off to a different location to explore, play, craft, relax, and connect. We’ll reconvene at Spring Park in the later afternoons with final pick up by 5:30, Monday – Thursday and 3:00pm on Fridays. Shorter days on Friday are designed to give our teachers dedicated time for preparation and cleanup, ensuring every week is thoughtfully planned and organized for the best possible experience for the children.

Nature Camp: Classic Outdoor Fun for Ages 7-12
For kids who prefer shorter hikes but still want to enjoy the wonders of nature, Nature Camp offers a balanced mix of exploration and creativity.

  • Hands-On Creativity: Daily structured crafts like woodworking, embroidery, and clay projects to engage young minds.
  • Community Connections: Guest presenters bring expertise to teach kids new skills and connect them with the local environment.
  • Local Adventures: Small group outings to beautiful natural areas like Arapahoe Bends and North Shields Ponds.
  • Inclusive Fun: Perfect for kids seeking a blend of outdoor play and hands-on learning in a supportive environment.
  • Daily Schedule 
    • Drop Off Window for Nature Camp to 8:00am-9:30am
    • Returning to Spring Park by 3:30 (M-Th) and 2:00 (F)

RADventure Camp: Wilderness Adventures for Ages 10-12
Looking for an unforgettable outdoor experience? RADventure Camp offers a wilderness-focused program perfect for children 10-12 (9-year-olds may be considered based on availability).

  • Exciting Activities: Longer hikes, wilderness skill-building, and meaningful service projects in collaboration with organizations like Wildland Restoration Volunteers.
  • Unique Locations: Explore scenic areas like Poudre Canyon, Elkhorn Creek, and Lory State Park, along with smaller local favorites with special permits.
  • Full-Day Adventures:
    • Drop Off Window for Nature Camp to 8:00am-9:15am
    • Returning to Spring Park by 3:30 (M-Th) and 2:00 (F)

Both camps provide screen-free fun, opportunities to connect with nature, and memories to last a lifetime!

Days may include:

  • Nature explorations
  • Local hiking
  • Natural Areas exploration
  • Group games
  • Guest Speakers
  • Tree climbing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Water play
  • Outdoorsperson skills

This is how my child should spend the summer! How do we enroll?

Enrollment priority is given to River Song Abloom families, alumni children, and siblings of current attendees. Registration opens on January 1st of each year for families.

Publicly opens in February.

Complete the enrollment interest form here!

2025 Tuition & Fees

Our 9-week summer camp program dates are June 2-August 1 with a bonus 3-days 8/4-6. Families may register for one of the 3-week sessions or the entire summer. All full-summer enrollees will be able to schedule 1 week of vacation, tuition free.

Rates below are full-summer/3-week session

  • 5 full days ~ $3,304/$1,105
  • 3 full days ~ $2,237/$750
  • 2 full days ~ $1,558/$525
  • Bonus Week (M-W) ~$250

10% sibling discount.

There is a one-time materials fee of $75/child for 5 days, $50 for 3 days, and $25 for 2 days. This fee is paid upon enrollment as a deposit and is non-refundable should your plans change.

Full-summer tuition may be split into two payments (June 10 & July 10) while all others are due by May 31st. Payment plans may be set up between the time of registration and the start of the summer – email Becky with questions or to get set up.


What if I will be late dropping off my child?

Unfortunately, late arrivals cannot be accommodated. RADventure will leave at 9:15 and Nature Camp at 9:30. If you have a pre-planned event that will make it so you are unable to arrive in time, you are welcome to reach out to the counselors but most likely it will be challenging to be able to meet up with the camps at their location.

What will my child need to bring each day?

All campers will be responsible for bringing a backpack, containing:

  • Healthy, hearty lunch (packed with ice packs, if necessary)
  • Afternoon snack
  • Filled water bottle(s) or camelback type hydration bag
  • Sunscreen
  • Sun hat
  • Water shoes, towel, bathing suit on water play days
  • Rain Gear (on days rain is forecasted)
  • Recommended: a small daypack for short hikes to hold snacks & water bottles

What is the difference between the 2 camps?

The main difference is that our RADventure Camp is geared towards those who want more of a wilderness experience. They’ll be taking longer hikes, learning more wilderness survival skills, and is geared towards our oldest and more adventurous crew.

Nature Camp is great for those that like spending time outside but maybe longer hikes aren’t their “thing”. They will still spend all their time outdoors but will do more on-location exploration, crafting and activities. Plenty of time for self-guided play and time with friends.

What is the materials fee for?

Many of the natural materials we use can be somewhat costly. The materials fee will help offset the extra costs of crafts/projects the children will be creating over the summer. Each camper will also be given a bag, which will include: journal, pencils (colored & regular), scissors, crafting supplies, etc. These bags are theirs to take home at the end of the summer.

*How will I know where my child is each day?

A schedule will be sent home at the beginning of the summer with reminders at the start of each session. The camp counselors will alert parents to any changes at daily drop off.

What do you do in the event of an emergency?

Counselors have emergency phones and will contact all parents involved by phone, text, or GroupMe depending on the severity. 911 will always be called first for emergencies that require immediate medical care. Counselors are all First Aid & CPR certified with some also holding their Wilderness certifications.

Can my child bring their cell phone in case of an emergency? 

We ask families to keep their electronics at home. River Song Summer Camps, just like River Song Waldorf School, strives to be tech-free. Children need this time to unplug to be present in the moments. All counselors will have cell phones for use in an emergency or if a child needs to contact a parent.

What will you do for bathrooms when out and about all day?

Most parks have public restrooms available for use. When the camp is at the a location that does not have bathrooms, we will utilize a portable composting toilet with privacy tent.

How will the children be protected from the hot Colorado sun? 

We will have portable shade tents with us for use when trees do not provide enough coverage. Many parks also have shelters for use. All children will need to have appropriate sun hats and apply sunscreen often. We will try and have water play multiple times per week to help cool off on hot days.

What happens if it rains? 

Rainy days during the summer are not common, so will not be a big concern for us. The sun shades will double for rain protection when needed. Many parks also have shelters for use. We ask that children have rain gear since we’ll still be running around outside. In the event of extreme weather, children will be transported to River Song and parents will be alerted to come for immediate pick up.

*Question didn’t get answered above?

Feel free to email with any other questions.

Join us for a whimsical night of revelry at our Mad Hatter Tea Party!
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