Help River Song share the magic of Waldorf Early Childhood Education.

Coming Soon! Help us bring our store online!

Our vision is to offer books, music, art, craft and drama resources for children and families, as well as natural toys. We’re also planning to offer mindfully designed, sustainably sourced River Song branded swag to celebrate our school, teachers, and staff while we help spread the word about River Song’s magic and the wonderful ways of Waldorf.

Help Wanted

  • Are you a River Song parent, alumni, or friend with web development expertise?
  • What about online or brick and mortar retail operations and merchandising experience?
  • Do you have ideas about what you’d like to see offered in the school store?

If you’re willing to donate some time and talent to help us design, build, and launch our new school store, we’d be mighty appreciative.

Of course, we welcome support from potential partners and Waldorf fans in the community at large, too.

Until then, schedule a time to stop by the office to see all the wonderful toys, books, and homemade crafts we have available!

Join us for a whimsical night of revelry at our Mad Hatter Tea Party!
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